
31 March 2011

purbalingga view the area

here in purbalingga, small city one of destination in central java indonesia
there so many interested area here like food, batik and tourism village sites. and the journey began....
first of all the natural view, might be some of other person will pointed to slamet volcano, lava cave, strawberry garden in serang village but actually there is so many other natural view here like....

28 March 2011

walking in kemangkon street part 1

pubalingga has 18 district, one of them is kemangkon.

this district include low land district. the journey began in the distict capital (panican village)....

22 March 2011

1991 lamuk journey (village in purbalingga)

in the saturday night, some of kids are planning something.they decide to go to do some excercise like morning walk.
in the morning 8 kids were do their plan. they were
1. Ganjar P.W (called as Ito)12 y old
2. Gani I (called as Anto)11 y old
3. Fery D.S (called as Feri)11 y old
4. Doni H.S (called as Doni)10 y old
5. Dono E (called as Dono)10 y old
6. Budi S(calles as Budi)11 y old
7. me 11 y old
8. Kamto (little Kamto)7 y old

at the first time they walk to the west but, one of them said to try location they never go there, and this is the route and this is our trip summary

21 March 2011

biketraxing in krjengkol-bumisari Purbalingga

purbalingga has various kind of land, specially in the north. for example, in Bobotsari to Rembang has many rivers that in the rainy season great to kanoeing and in the west, from Bobotsari to Bumisari is great to biketracking, and also in the west, from the serang village to kutabawa is mountain zona.

when those time i decide to see the view, specially the kutasari zone.
the route was....