pUrbalingga is small city....but altough dont have any beach but still have good lanscape specially in the higland....this area located in the north area of Purbalingga city....beside the Slamet mountain, another view and lanscape also good to see...here one of them, SiRaU great hill view....
this also show the canyon of sirau....Sirau is the village that include in the karangmoncol district, it locate at the northest area of this district and straightly bordered with pemalang regency in the north....how far this area located? about 20 km or more if we count it from the down city Purbalingga.not to far because this regency is not wide enough.....the journey to sirau was thru this path:
from the capital of regency go to the north (the bobotsari direction)...if you found bobotsari gate so enter it and find the market and stores....then go to east ...just follow this path until the Majingklak crossroad in karangmoncol...(this path will pass karanganyar and kertanegara district)...
after that crossroad go to left..the road that the mount already seen......well enjoy the journey here because you will find Muli river side by sude with the road..and some part of dam..the karangmoncol culinairy, hospitality and the uphill road...then after pass some village here..in the last village is siraU.....
and that is some of the landscape...
this view was show the south way of the canyon with the natural view under it......look like the forest still natural but im afraid about few years again....this forest will be reduced....hopefully no.
well that is SiraU great view (hill on it)............