
08 April 2011

suweg (alternative food)

once day in my garden i found small plant, i dont know what it was....when it small it look like a small bamboo (sapling) but the colour was green with white dotted. so i let it be.. after few day it show the leaf and i ask my parents what kind of plant it is.finally i knew it is suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus) the other name is iles-iles.....

according to wikipedia...Suweg is a herbaceous plant and chronic, the stem-shaped upright, soft, smooth, green or black and white piebald. single bar split into three secondary stems and will break down again at once into the leaf stalk At each meeting will stem growing nodule blackish brown as a breeding tool suweg. Plant height can reach 1.5 meters in highly depends on age and soil fertility.
after some time i let the plant growth, i just see that suweg could be something usefull...usually we only consume it tuber with boiled way, fried way or mix with sugar just like cimplung, and those leaf can be a fish food. actually suweg could be a konyaku (japanesse snack), noodle, glue, cosmetics materials or replace the wheat flour. the newest is to make fuel (Polyethanol) 
suweg contain calories (majority), fat, protein, carbohydrat,calsium, fosfor, iron,vitamin B1 , water. and part of its tuber that could ate is 86%. so, because here is so suitable to plant suweg, why dont try to plant it larger or might be try to take litte place of rice and cassava....?
oh ya, some fact about suweg is....
if the leaves often to take so, the tuber will slow in the growth, suweg grow normally in wet situation some produce flower  (it flower look a like raflesia arnoldi,) sometime doesnt, if it grew wild sometimes it growth there sometimes it doesnt, it should be  plant . 
welcome to suwegs time.